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ADONIS Category => ADONIS Users => Topic started by: CristianO on August 11, 2024, 10:32:21 am

Title: Segment lining calculation
Post by: CristianO on August 11, 2024, 10:32:21 am
Hello Roozbeh,
hello everybody,

i'm sitting on the calculation of a segmental lining of a water tunnel.
The lining consists of adjacent rings of 1.3 m long and 4 segments: invert segment spanning an angle of 100?, two wall segments each spanning an angle of 90? and a crown segment with 80? angle. Inner diameter is 6 m and the thickness of the segments is 0.26 m.

According to the suggestion of he Austrian Concrete Association, i should model followinf load combinations:
Combo1: grout injection pressure (outer pressure of 15 bar) and nothing else
Combo2: deadweight of the liner + uniform load pressure vertically down on the whole diameter of the tunnel
Combo3: deadweight + uniform load only on half diameter of the tunnel (from top)
Combo4: deadweight + parabolic load on the top.
Before installing the liner, it is assumed that the field stress is zero, i.e. total relaxation of the rock.
So far, i managed to model the relaxation, zeroing the displacement after calculating the tnnel cross section.

no my question is how to apply the distributedloads only over the tunnel diameter - and the half of it - as well as the parabolic load. Is this even possible with Adonis?
Any hint is gratefully acknowleged!

Thanks a lot in advance!

Best regards,
PS reach out for any questions!