
Version 3.90.9 (Released at 10/19/2024)
- Minor bugs in mesh generation module has been fixed.
- Gmsh is upgraded to version 4.13.1.
Version 3.90.8 (Released at 09/15/2024)
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
Version 3.90.7 (Released at 08/21/2024)
- Bug in save/open action has been fixed.
Version 3.90.6 (Released at 06/09/2024)
- Bug in exporting contour plot into VTK format is fixed.
Version 3.90.5 (Released at 05/18/2024)
- Bug in equaldof action has been fixed.
Version 3.90.4 (Released at 04/07/2024)
- Bug in interface save/read is fixed.
- Bug in mesh generation action has been fixed.
Version 3.90.3 (Released at 02/24/2024)
- The ability to apply a force gradient or pressure to a boundary is presented.
- New tutorial is added to explain how to apply gradient boundary conditions.
Version 3.90.2 (Released at 02/02/2024)
- To allow users to import CAD files using scripting, the importmodel command is introduced.
- There have been several changes made to the ImportDxf dialog.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
Version 3.90.1 (Released at 11/17/2023)
- Some modifications in Italian translation.
Version 3.90.0 (Released at 09/04/2023)
- 4-node quadrilateral element is implemented.
- Gmsh, an open source mesh generator library, will be used to generate triangular and quadrilateral meshes.
- 6-node triangular element is temporarely removed.
- The discretization and mesh generation actions have been modified.
Version 3.75.5 (Released at 07/12/2023)
- Bug in save/open action has been fixed.
Version 3.75.4 (Released at 07/09/2023)
- Bug in interface element has been fixed.
Version 3.75.3 (Released at 04/30/2023)
- Minor bug in modified Hoek-Brown constitutive model is fixed.
- The deprecated QtScript interpreter module is replaced by Duktape.
Version 3.75.2 (Released at 10/28/2022)
- Bug in Chart tab module has been fixed.
Version 3.75.1 (Released at 08/23/2022)
- Typo in documentation is fixed.
- Bug in Python's element class has been fixed.
Version 3.75.0 (Released at 08/15/2022)
- Python scripting is built into current versions of ADONIS.
- Program's webhelp has been reformatted.
- Bug in javascript setter/getter functions has been fixed.
Version 3.50.1 (Released at 07/16/2022)
- Some modifications in Italian translation.
- Bug in unbal ratio calculation subroutine for structural elements has been fixed.
Version 3.50.0 (Released at 05/18/2022)
- New constitutive model (i.e. Swelling) has been added.
- Plot structural node displacement is implemented.
- 2D mesh can be extruded to create FLAC3D zones.
- Minor bug in import DXF action has been fixed.
- Some issues in Tutorial 03 has been resolved.
- Some minor typos have been fixed in the interface.
Version 3.25.1 (Released at 12/05/2021)
- Small typo in tutorial 06 text has been fixed.
Version 3.25.0 (Released at 09/26/2021)
- New constitutive model (i.e. Ubiquitous-joint) has been added.
- Ubiquitous-joint is included to solve fos subroutine.
- New tutorial is added to explain the advantage of using Ubiquitous-Joint model for jointed rock.
- New function added to the scripting language to enable user to extract total strain at each gauss point.
- Bug in strain contour plot generation for T6 element has been fixed.
- Some minor bugs have been fixed.
Version 3.10.4 (Released at 08/18/2021)
- Some modifications in Polish translation.
Version 3.10.3 (Released at 08/01/2021)
- Polish language has been added to the program.
- Error in re-instating the current language while opening *.adf file has been fixed.
Version 3.10.2 (Released at 04/04/2021)
- Link to installer has been updated.
- Some minor changes.
Version 3.10.1 (Released at 01/07/2021)
- Bug in material initialization before cycling is fixed.
Version 3.10.0 (Released at 01/07/2021)
- Simplified Chinese language has been added to the program.
- The small strain Plastic Hardening (PH) model is introduced.
- New tutorial is added to explain the application of small strain model in excavations.
- UDCM C++ code has been modified.
- Equaldof element is introduced to assign multi-point constraint between nodes.
- Minor bugs in structural element are fixed.
- Minor bug in geometry plot magnification is fixed.
- Major bug in element history recording is fixed.
Version 3.0.4 (Released at 06/09/2020)
- Minor bug in command widget is fixed.
- Minor bug in scripting language is fixed.
Version 3.0.3 (Released at 05/31/2020)
- Bug in setelem command is fixed.
- Some minor bugs are fixed in the help manual.
Version 3.0.2 (Released at 05/14/2020)
- Bug in discretization subroutine is fixed.
Version 3.0.1 (Released at 05/11/2020)
- Minor bug in NMD subroutine is fixed.
Version 3.0.0 (Released at 05/02/2020)
- Solve relax subroutine is included. This command allows user to perform stress relaxation in tunnel simulation.
- New tutorial is added to explain the procedure to perform sequential tunnel excavation (e.g. SEM/NATM).
- Bug in query along the line is fixed.
- Bug in setelem() and setnode() commands are fixed.
- Bug in arc() command is fixed.
- Bug in hist() command is fixed.
- Bug in plot item list is fixed.
- Bug in save command is fixed.
- Slight modification in solve ratio calculation subroutine.
Version 2.75.2 (Released at 01/19/2020)
- Bug in structural beam element has been fixed.
Version 2.75.1 (Released at 01/08/2020)
- Minor bug in structural beam element has been fixed.
- Minor bug in region selection has been fixed.
- Some modifications in Russian translation.
Version 2.75.0 (Released at 12/25/2019)
- Nodal Mixed Discretization (NMD) technique is implemented to prevent volumetric locking in T3 elements.
- New capability is added to enable mesh separation using cracking which is going to be helpful for shoring simulation.
- New tutorial is added to explain the construction of an excavation supported by sheet pile wall anchored with tiebacks.
- Recording capability is included (i.e. history).
- Minor bug in the interface element has been fixed.
- Minor bug in plotting action has been fixed.
- Minor bug in structural beam element has been fixed.
Version 2.5.5 (Released at 11/16/2019)
- Minor bug in solve fos has been fixed.
- New tutorial is added to explain the procedure to create User Defined Constitutive Model (UDCM). Zip file is included (/PluginFiles/) which contains several UDCM examples.
Version 2.5.4 (Released at 07/14/2019)
- Vietnamese language has been added to the program
Version 2.5.3 (Released at 07/01/2019)
- New dialogs are presented for material creation.
- bug in handling the table ID in material creation is fixed.
- Some modifications in translations.
Version 2.5.2 (Released at 02/17/2019)
- Some modifications in Italian translation.
Version 2.5.1 (Released at 01/17/2019)
- Geometry as well as structural elements (cable, tieback and strip elements) can be imported from a DXF file.
- To keep the compatibility between static and dynamic (to be included) analyses, major changes have made in fix command concept. Please take a look at manual for detail.
- Setter/getter for node has been revised. Please take a look at manual for detail.
- Minor bugs in the interface element has been fixed.
- Minor bugs in GUI has been fixed.
- Some of the icons have been revised.
- Contour plot and legend colormap labeling are modified.
- Minor bug in Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model is fixed.
- Export contour plot as VTK file is possible.
- Several tutorials (in PDF format) are included in the installation folder.
- QCustomPlot class has been updated.
Version 2.3.7 (Released at 12/01/2018)
- Bug in script engine is fixed.
- Manual file has been modified.
Version 2.3.6 (Released at 10/14/2018)
- Bug in script engine is fixed.
Version 2.3.5 (Released at 09/16/2018)
- Bug in error handling is fixed.
- Bug in script engine is fixed.
Version 2.3.3 (Released at 06/16/2018)
- Bug in Del. Structure re-initialization.
- Bug in solve restart and step counter.
- Some modifications in Italian translation.
- Added some description to structural elements' properties in the help manual.
Version 2.3.2 (Released at 05/14/2018)
- Bug in the beam delete action is fixed.
Version 2.3.0 (Released at 02/25/2018)
- Interface for both sides of beam element is available.
- Bug in tieback/cable element pretension calculation is fixed.
- Bug in interface save/read is fixed.
Version 2.2.5 (Released at 02/11/2018)
- Bug in tieback/cable element pretension calculation is fixed.
Version 2.2.4 (Released at 02/10/2018)
- CPU usage bug is fixed.
Version 2.2.3 (Released at 01/18/2018)
- Bug in solve fos calculation is fixed.
Version 2.2.2 (Released at 12/29/2017)
- Bug in edit material action is fixed.
Version 2.2.1 (Released at 12/07/2017)
- Bug in translation module has been fixed.
Version 2.2.0 (Released at 12/01/2017)
- A simple mesh smoothing subroutine deployed to generate mesh with better quality.
- Solve elastic mode has been included to the analysis mode.
- Bug in interface element for Tri63 elements has been fixed.
- Bug in solve fos subroutine has been fixed.
- Threading and Concurrent programming is used to keep the solveinfo dialog responsive.
- Some modifications in Italian translation.
Version 2.1.0 (Released at 10/01/2017)
- New constitutive model (i.e. Modified Hoek-Brown) has been added.
- Factor of Safety Calculation for Modified Hoek-Brown model.
- Fixing some errors in Factor of Safety Calculation.
- Bug in open/save action has been fixed.
- Bug in save script action has been fixed.
Version 2.0.2 (Released at 09/08/2017)
- bugs in GUI being fixed.
- bug in Constitutive Model being fixed.
Version 2.0.1 (Released at 07/29/2017)
- some modifications in Italian translation.
- bug in structure material assignment has been fixed.
Version 2.0.0 (Released at 06/02/2017)
- Interface element between rock-rock and beam-soil/soil can take place at new version.
- Interface normal and shear stress can be plotted in the post processing.
- Couple of new commands are included, such as:
"EqualDof" for structure node and "Reset" structure force as well as "Move Node" to translate the nodes in the region
- Note that from V2.0 forward the beam element only can be attached to the boundary edge
so in order to attach beam element to boundary you need to "Excavate" the region attach the beam element and backfill the region.
- Structure property assigning is being fixed for some languages.
- Couple of bugs in memory allocations have been fixed.
- All the translated texts have been updated in the latest Version (i.e. V2.0)
Version 1.8.3 (Released at 05/15/2017)
- some modifications in Italian translation.
- bug in script saving is being fixed.
Version 1.8.2 (Released at 04/08/2017)
- bug in script saving is being fixed.
Version 1.8.1 (Released at 04/02/2017)
- some modifications in Portuguese translation.
- bug in contour plot setting is being fixed.
- major modifications in Russian translation.
Version 1.8.0 (Released at 03/24/2017)
- the automatic shear strength reduction (SSR) procedure is included to determine a factor of safety.
- edit dialog for element plot item is activated.
- bug in language selection is fixed.
Version 1.5.3 (Released at 03/18/2017)
- unit display bug in boundary condition is fixed.
- at this version, all the current scripts will be included in the save file (*.adf).
which means all the scripts/commands will be recoverable when you open the ADF file.
- capability of applying the normal stress has been added to the boundary condition.
- adding help button at each command panel for quick access to help document.
Version 1.5.2 (Released at 03/14/2017)
- About dialog has been cleaned up.
- French language has been added to the program.
Version 1.5.1 (Released at 03/09/2017)
- German language has been added to the program.
Version 1.5.0 (Released at 03/05/2017)
- Linear Strain Triangular Element (6-Node Triangle) has been added (major change).
Version 1.1.2 (Released at 02/28/2017)
- Russian language has been added to the program.
- minor modifications in geometry GUI.
Version 1.1.0 (Released at 01/20/2017)
- integrating reference manual into the program.
- minor modifications in Spanish, Italian and Turkish texts.
- fixed bug in language setting.
- fixed bug in mechanical setting.
Version 1.0.7 (Released at 01/15/2017)
- extension problem has been fixed.
- minor modifications in Spanish texts.
Version 1.0.6 (Released at 01/12/2017)
- minor change in Triangle library.
- minor modifications in Italian texts.
Version 1.0.5 (Released at 01/11/2017)
- bug in Triangle is fixed.
- Some texts in the languages have been modified.
- update notification has been included.
Version 1.0.4 (Released at 01/07/2017)
- couple of minor bugs have been fixed.
- Mingw32 compiler has been used instead of msvc2013.
- Italian language has been included.
Version 1.0.3 (Released at 01/03/2017)
- couple of minor bugs have been fixed.
- Spanish, Portuguese languages have been included.
Version 1.0.2 (Released at 01/05/2017)
- couple of minor bugs have been fixed.
- Turkish Language has been added.
Version 1.0.1 (Released at 01/03/2017)
- couple of minor bugs have been fixed.
Version 1.0.0 (Released at 12/31/2017)
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