
Version 3.90.9 (Released at 10/19/2024)
- Minor bugs in mesh generation module has been fixed.
- Gmsh is upgraded to version 4.13.1.

Version 2.0.19 (Released at 01/23/2025)
- Bugs in import DXF action have been fixed.
- New tutorial (i.e. Import DXF) is included to the list of tutorials.

Examples manual(Read 15291 times)
Examples manual on: February 12, 2018, 02:50:28 am
We could create an examples manual based on our particular experience. For the next months, I'll work on the documentation of the following examples:
- spread foundations;
- concrete retaining wall;
- embedded cantilever wall;
- embedded anchored wall;
- embedded propped wall;
- embedded multi-level anchored wall;
- embedded multi-level propped wall;
- circular culverts;
- reinforced fill embankment;
- slope stability.

If someone would like to suggest and/or develop additional examples, feel free to post your thoughts and add them to this thread.

Re: Examples manual Reply #1 on: February 12, 2018, 08:18:14 am
Nice initiative avscorreia. If needed I can help with the documentation assemble/writing.


Re: Examples manual Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 09:05:11 am
it's a great idea.

I did create a public folder (shared folder) in dropbox and will invite you all to dump all your documents and scripts in there.

here is the link to the public folder:


« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 09:08:50 am by Roozbeh »

Re: Examples manual Reply #3 on: July 31, 2018, 05:18:36 am
Nice initiative avscorreia. I'll work on the documentation of examples related to dams and tunnels.