
Version 3.90.9 (Released at 10/19/2024)
- Minor bugs in mesh generation module has been fixed.
- Gmsh is upgraded to version 4.13.1.

Version 2.0.19 (Released at 01/23/2025)
- Bugs in import DXF action have been fixed.
- New tutorial (i.e. Import DXF) is included to the list of tutorials.

How to Import DXF file?(Read 9828 times)
How to Import DXF file? on: March 18, 2022, 09:36:45 am
Import DXF wizard tool allows user to import and geometry (i.e. line, polyline and etc.) and supports (end anchored, soilnail, tieback).

To import geometries from a DXF file:

    1-Select Import DXF from the File menu.
    2- In the Import DXF dialog, click on Select DXF File button and select the required DXF file and press Open.
    3- In case you want to modify the output filename click on Output Filename checkbox and specify output script   filename. By default the output filename is identical to the input DXF filename.
    4- Then select Unit System. Uncheck the Load Script after Creation if you don't want to load the created script after generation.
    5- Click on Apply button, to generate the script file (i.e. *.hjs). Please note that the created script file will be located at the same directory as input DXF file.

If you are using LibreCAD or AutoCAD to create DXF files for import into HYRCAN, use the attached conventions for layering and entity type. one dxf file is also attached as an example.
