
Version 3.90.9 (Released at 10/19/2024)
- Minor bugs in mesh generation module has been fixed.
- Gmsh is upgraded to version 4.13.1.

Version 2.0.19 (Released at 01/23/2025)
- Bugs in import DXF action have been fixed.
- New tutorial (i.e. Import DXF) is included to the list of tutorials.

A few issues with the software/manual [Solved](Read 11194 times)
A few issues with the software/manual [Solved] on: March 10, 2022, 06:17:35 pm

I was testing the software with a simple slope and ran into the following problems:

  • The app opens normally, but upon clicking on the "Setting" button the command line shifts and is now under the windows task bar, forcing me to manually reshift the window in order to see the command line. Unfortunately I don't have a script to reproduce this
  • I set out to work in m-kPA/kN/m3, but when I defined materials under Mohr Coulom the density prompt was still requested in Mg/m3. I don't know whether this mattered or not since my test file used granular materials only, and the stability check I intended to do was an infinite slope, but it may be more than a typo
  • Editing the file after running a shear strength reduction Fos calculation seems impossible/pointless. I'll elaborate: I ran the software hoping to get a specific FoS (1.8), and the first time I ran the program I got 1.768, which was fine. However, when I tried to rerun the same problem (literally solve for FoS again) my FoS becomes 1.002. I then tried to just change the unit weight to see if that reset the problem so I could get an updated Fos, but that also yielded a FoS of about 1. I can't say for sure what's going on, but I suspect the issue is that every time I ask ADONIS to do a shear strength reduction the program applies the reduction to the last set of reduced parameters instead of starting from scratch. I think this is a problem because it basically forces me to start a new file if the FoS is<1 unless I am missing something
  • I thought maybe remeshing the problem would let me refresh everything so I tried changing the mesh type from 6 node to 3 node and remeshing, but doing that deleted the materials and lines I had defined. I don't see why the mesh definitions should be tied to the materials or the geometry like that, so I would say this is a bug.
  • I didn't see an easy way to implement surcharges. I noticed no tutorial has surcharges, so perhaps it would be nice to include a surcharge in one of the tutorials. I also searched the forums for the word "surcharge" and only found a thread where a reference is made to a broken link for the manual. I appreciate that it is possible to change the initial stress to get a surcharge, but it's not exactly trivial, so I didnt bother this time.
  • I saved the script of the file I ran, but script loading ends on the first FoS calculation, so seeing the changes after that would require copying the script and pasting it in parts. I've attached the file regardless
  • The program asks you whether you want to quit without saving even after you try to quit immeditely after saving the file
  • And finally, the warning prompt for closng the software without saving has a typo. The text reads "Are you sure you want to quite without saving changes?". This mistake is also present in Hyrcan, but I won't be writing a new post just for that
« Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 07:37:58 am by Roozbeh »

Re: A few issues with the software/manual Reply #1 on: March 10, 2022, 09:24:58 pm
Hi Fabtastic,

here are my responses:

?   The app opens normally, but upon clicking on the "Setting" button the command line shifts and is now under the windows task bar, forcing me to manually reshift the window in order to see the command line. Unfortunately I don't have a script to reproduce this

Unfortunately. I cannot reproduce this issue. it would be great if you can take a screenshot and send it to me.

?   I set out to work in m-kPA/kN/m3, but when I defined materials under Mohr Coulom the density prompt was still requested in Mg/m3. I don't know whether this mattered or not since my test file used granular materials only, and the stability check I intended to do was an infinite slope, but it may be more than a typo

This is not a typo. I designed ADONIS to be consistence with FLAC in term of system of units. I attached a figure from the FLAC manual to show you the system of units used in the program. I believe same table should be available in ADONIS's manual as well.

?   Editing the file after running a shear strength reduction Fos calculation seems impossible/pointless. I'll elaborate: I ran the software hoping to get a specific FoS (1. , and the first time I ran the program I got 1.768, which was fine. However, when I tried to rerun the same problem (literally solve for FoS again) my FoS becomes 1.002. I then tried to just change the unit weight to see if that reset the problem so I could get an updated Fos, but that also yielded a FoS of about 1. I can't say for sure what's going on, but I suspect the issue is that every time I ask ADONIS to do a shear strength reduction the program applies the reduction to the last set of reduced parameters instead of starting from scratch. I think this is a problem because it basically forces me to start a new file if the FoS is<1 unless I am missing something
?   I thought maybe remeshing the problem would let me refresh everything so I tried changing the mesh type from 6 node to 3 node and remeshing, but doing that deleted the materials and lines I had defined. I don't see why the mesh definitions should be tied to the materials or the geometry like that, so I would say this is a bug.

This is not an issue; I think I explained this somewhere in the forum before. You cannot use solve(?fos?) multiple times back-to-back for the same model. Because the stress/strain as well as shear strength of soil layers are getting modified every time you run SRM. Everytime you run solve(?fos?), program start from the end of the previous model in which material properties are modified. You need to start from scratch using newmodel() command and then rerun.

?   I didn't see an easy way to implement surcharges. I noticed no tutorial has surcharges, so perhaps it would be nice to include a surcharge in one of the tutorials. I also searched the forums for the word "surcharge" and only found a thread where a reference is made to a broken link for the manual. I appreciate that it is possible to change the initial stress to get a surcharge, but it's not exactly trivial, so I didnt bother this time.

Surcharge can be applied using applybc(?syy??) command in the ?Initial Condition? panel. Here is one example: applybc("syy",-100.0,"xlim",18.305,418.661,"ylim",197.597,210.269). later on, I might explain it in one the tutorials.

?   I saved the script of the file I ran, but script loading ends on the first FoS calculation, so seeing the changes after that would require copying the script and pasting it in parts. I've attached the file regardless

Yes I went through your model and as I mentioned above you cannot use multiple solve(?fos?) back-to-back.

?   The program asks you whether you want to quit without saving even after you try to quit immeditely after saving the file

Yes it always asks it. It?s actually some kind security measure to make sure you don?t close the program accidentally.

?   And finally, the warning prompt for closng the software without saving has a typo. The text reads "Are you sure you want to quite without saving changes?". This mistake is also present in Hyrcan, but I won't be writing a new post just for that

You are correct, it?s a typo and will be fixed in the future.

Thanks for the comments. Please let me know if you need additional information.
