
Version 3.90.9 (Released at 10/19/2024)
- Minor bugs in mesh generation module has been fixed.
- Gmsh is upgraded to version 4.13.1.

Version 2.0.19 (Released at 01/23/2025)
- Bugs in import DXF action have been fixed.
- New tutorial (i.e. Import DXF) is included to the list of tutorials.

HYRCAN - Slip surface defined by multiple points(Read 11349 times)
HYRCAN - Slip surface defined by multiple points on: March 26, 2022, 04:28:53 am
Dear Roozbeh,
i want to thank you for the incredible work that you have done with ADONIS and HYRCAN.

My request is releated to HYRCAN and, imho, it might be very important if the user can specify by point a slip surface.
This is very important in analyzing natural instable slope where the geometry of the surface cannot be represented whit circles.

King Regards

Re: HYRCAN - Slip surface defined by multiple points Reply #1 on: March 26, 2022, 11:31:58 pm

thanks for the comment. unfortunately non-circular surface search method has not been implemented yet. still working on it.


Re: HYRCAN - Slip surface defined by multiple points Reply #2 on: October 21, 2022, 07:44:26 am
Now precise methods like morgensten-price have been implementes, which warranty moment and force equilibrium in all slices, thus the programa is pontentially able to calculate no circular surfaces.
No circular surfaces would be gratly wellcome.
Senior Lecturer on Geotetchnical Engeneering
Mines Department
University of Oviedo