Before i try to make 5 example
Note: this is only for my dissertation project
1: Terrain in natural conditions as you showed to me in an example
2: Retaining wall with no surcharge or geogrids
3: Retaining wall with surcharger applied but without geogrids
4 Retaining wall with geogrids but no surcharge
5 Retaining wall with surcharge and geogrids
I will do again Nr.1 but i got few questions
Physical unit set: m-kPa-kN/m3
Equilibruim ratio: in the example you corected for me you set this parameter 9,91e-4 ( based on what? - need to know why is this suitable for my retaining wall)
Water table: i stated in my project that i have water located at -10 m - the manual says to add water density wich means 1e-9 mg/m3 i think but when i did some solve i do not see some changes at pore pressure
On Mesh Type: wich is more suitable in retaining wall 3-node triangle or 6- node triangle
If i chose solve fos without change some setting there i receive the folowing msg: factor of safety is greater than upper bound limit 32 ,
On Force/Stress section i got from surcharge 26 kPA how can i apply it corectly?
I do not find enough documentation to solve alone
My Teacher says this program is rubish and wants to force me to make my model in Abaqus or Plaxis, but these are not free or easy to install and i set up already that i want to finish my project with Adonis, so i can show to other students that there are other ways.
Let me know how to overcome this problems.
Thank you.