Thanks for the response; I had missed tutorial 8, it is very helpful.
When creating the P-Hardening material in the tutorial, it seems that the principal stresses are not added to the material definition (the material input line terminates after "dilation"). If I understand correctly, the variables sig1/2/3_val are applied directly to the gauss points with "setelem("prop","sig1",eid,j+1,sig1_val);" once the model is run again and the nodes are zeroed, going to edit material shows sig1/sig2/sig3 are all 0. However, if I add the variables sig1/2/3_val to the original P-H material definition, I can review sig1/sig2/sig3 values in the material editor afterwards. Would this be another way to do it, or is this incorrect as it is only showing the last sig1/sig2/sig3 value and adding it to all material types?
In the case of wanting to run through multiple iterations of the model with changing reservoir levels, some of my material types change (saturated material corresponding to the reservoir level). When I re-assign these regions, do I need to re-run the initial principal stress parameter, or will the original values remain assigned to the gauss points regardless of the materials assigned to these regions? I want to model the deformation response under fluctuating reservoir levels (up and down), so I believe that will not want to re-zero the nodes after the first stage.
Thanks again. Attached is a combined script showing what I currently am working with (solve elastic constitutive model, assign P-H soil models, run principal stresses, re-solve and zero nodes, add hydrostatic water function and re-assign regions, re-solve).