I tried as i see on example but did not go well, my Teacher wants me to make a modeling but he is a fan for Abaqus or Plaxis and i do not have those programs.
I am very new on fine element programs and first i created a model with 2 layers of material ( first layer clay with the folowing properties γ= 19 (kN/m3) E= 10.000 (kPA) c= 28 ( kPa) and friction angle 16, on layer to i got sand+ gavrel
γ= 20 (kN/m3) E= 20.000 (kPA) c= 0 ( kPa) and friction angle 35.
From what i undestand i must use at material Mohr-Coulomb and i do not now if i add this paramters corectly? ( can you help me?
Also i did o small scale a something like sandbox and i applied boundary on botom,left and right to see how the material behaves under gravity and depends on the material.
I need to understand this part, untill i can add my retaining wall ( back-to-back wall) too see after how will affect the soil under this load.
Thank you.