
Version 3.90.9 (Released at 10/19/2024)
- Minor bugs in mesh generation module has been fixed.
- Gmsh is upgraded to version 4.13.1.

Version 2.0.18 (Released at 10/26/2024)
- Minor bug in translation has been fixed.
- Minor bug in geometry creation is fixed.

External water pressure(Read 10697 times)
External water pressure on: March 17, 2021, 12:16:08 pm
Hi Roozbeh,

I am trying to add water pressure on the upstream side of a dam. I used the script you provided in another forum post to add the pore pressures within the mesh. Now I just need to figure out how to apply nstress to the boundary edges. So far what I've done is identify the boundary nodes. Are the commands below correct for setting water pressure at the boundary edge?

var waterpressure = node_depth*gamma_w;
var sid = 4;
set("stress",elid_of_boundary_node, boundary_node,sid, waterpressure);

Re: External water pressure Reply #1 on: March 17, 2021, 12:40:30 pm
Hi Estefan

the correct script to apply force (not stress) to the node is:  setnode("xforce",nodeID,value)
but before that, I recommend you to use this command to get the node id at specific location: nodeID= getnode("idatpoint", xp, yp)
so it should look like this:

var xp = 0
var yp = 0
nodeID= getnode("idatpoint", xp, yp)
var forceValue = 1000;

I did not check the script above so apologize if there is any syntax error but I hope you get the concept.

On the other hand, you always can mix the commands with scripting language for instance you will be able to use "applybc" command and directly apply normal stress to the edges.


it's going to apply constant distributed stress to individual edge. if you want to have variable stress you can use the same command multiple times for small range that covers single edge and repeat the sequence (or put it in the for loop) and increase the value as you move along.

Hopefully I could provide useful information. Please let me know if you face any issue/bug using any of these concepts.
