
Version 3.90.5 (Released at 05/15/2024)
- Bug in equaldof action has been fixed.

Version 2.0.14 (Released at 05/18/2024)
- Minor bug in line load unit display is fixed.
- Italian translation has been modified.

Trying to collaborate with dynamical analysis(Read 8800 times)
Trying to collaborate with dynamical analysis on: April 20, 2018, 05:59:55 pm

Surfin' in the inter-nerd (hahaha) I found this software. Impressive, really.

Really, I'm student and don't have a programming intermediate knowledge, but I have motivation to collaborate with this project. In particular, I have interest in the dynamical analysis.

So I want to help in a way that this will be a success.

Really, thanks for the program!

Re: Trying to collaborate with dynamical analysis Reply #1 on: April 20, 2018, 07:06:22 pm
thank you Adiccto87.

I'm glad you find ADONIS useful. unfortunately dynamic capability has not included to the program yet and it might take a while but meanwhile you can use the ADONIS and calibrate it against some existing commercial software or other theoretical methods and document it. the documentation part is very important since my time mainly is occupied by programming I really appreciate some users start documenting the comparison as a part of paper or project so we can make sure the static module is working correctly before moving on to the next phase.
