
Version 3.90.8 (Released at 09/15/2024)
- Minor bugs have been fixed.

Version 2.0.15 (Released at 09/15/2024)
- Minor bug has been fixed.

Save system units in script to avoid run mode in wrong units(Read 7124 times)
Hi Behrooz,
Than kyou very much for this great software. It really matches very expensive commercial software.
When HYRCAN start, it remembers the system unit the last time used. But when you save script, system unit will not save in script unless you have changed it in current session.
So, it is quite possible to run a model with wrong units.
For example, you create a model in Metric units and save script. Then you run another model in Imperial units and exit the program. Next time you run HYRCAN the system unit will be Imperial. When you load your previous model script, the system units remain Imperial while the model units were Metric. The user may simply forget to change units and run the model with wrong units.
I think if set units command [set("unit",?] ALWAYS save in script, this risk will remove.
Thank you very much.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2022, 09:21:29 pm by siamak_sm »

Re: Save system units in script to avoid run mode in wrong units Reply #1 on: August 11, 2022, 10:19:45 am
it's a good point. let me think about it!

Re: Save system units in script to avoid run mode in wrong units Reply #2 on: August 11, 2022, 04:01:55 pm
I just modified the code to make sure to add both unit and failure direction to the list of commands when exporting the script. this only happens if these parameters are not modified by user.
