
Version 3.90.9 (Released at 10/19/2024)
- Minor bugs in mesh generation module has been fixed.
- Gmsh is upgraded to version 4.13.1.

Version 2.0.19 (Released at 01/23/2025)
- Bugs in import DXF action have been fixed.
- New tutorial (i.e. Import DXF) is included to the list of tutorials.

Analysis of Foundation Failure(Read 12884 times)
Analysis of Foundation Failure on: September 30, 2023, 04:31:27 am

We were analyzing slope stability where we wanted to analyze a slip surface passing through the foundation media as well. When we tried doing that the script came up with an error message. Could you please help.


Re: Analysis of Foundation Failure Reply #1 on: September 30, 2023, 07:05:31 pm

Please try the attached script, and if you encounter any errors, be sure to specify what kind they are in the comments.

Simply put, I cleaned up your model's script. Additionally, from now on, be sure to upload the model's script (*.hjs format) rather than its binary file (*.hds format).


Re: Analysis of Foundation Failure Reply #2 on: October 06, 2023, 04:57:29 am
Thanks for the reply...will take care of it in our next submission...

Re: Analysis of Foundation Failure Reply #3 on: October 13, 2023, 06:31:00 am

We have attached the HJS file as requested. We are using an old program for slope stability which has given a critical slip surface that is passing through the foundation strata. When we try to run HYRCAN with this surface it says its not valid probably because it is crossing the model domain/space. This type of foundation failure cannot be ruled out.

Your inputs on these will be most useful. We want to get the FOS for this slip surface.