the strain-softening model is identical to FLAC's (Itasca's program). it's basically Mohr-Coulomb with additional tables that modifies the parameters as "plastic strain" increases. for more information about the formulation itself please take a look at FLAC manual (pages 2-42 to 2-48) : ADONIS simply create a table for shear strength (friction, cohesion and etc.) parameters and when creating the strain-softening model specify the table ID to the corresponding parameters.
here is one example that create a table for friction angle in which friction decreases as plastic shear strain increases (0,0.1,0.2 ..)
material("create","Strain-Softening","matid",1,"matname","Material 1","density",2500,"shear",2.8e+09,"bulk",3.9e+09,"coh",3.45e+06,"fric",30,"dil",0,"tens",1e+10,"ftab",1)
you can create additional tables for other parameters and assign to cohesion, dilation and tensile strength.
ftab: table ID for friction angle
ctab: table ID for cohesion
dtab: table ID for dilation angle
ttab: table ID for tensile strength
Note: in the process of responding to your question I just realized the material dialog will assign same ID to all the tables, in case only one table is generated which is a bug and needed to be fixed. Meanwhile you will be able to modify the ID yourself and remove the ones are not necessary from the script and save the script file and run it again similar to what I did above, until this bug get fixed.