Dear Adonis,
I am sending you an attached file with three folders: ADO, PLX and PNT.
In the ADO folder, there is an example of a retaining wall calculated with Adonis.
In the PLX folder, there are the graphical results of the same problem calculated with Plaxis8.
In the PNT folder, there are the graphical results of the same problem calculated with the PANT program, based on elastoplastic springs, that I developed myself and that can be seen on my website:
My query is because the results of terms of ground pressures and forces in anchors, agree sensibly. But where they do not coincide is in the displacements or in the bending moments of the wall.
Plaxis and PANT, make sense, because as you excavate, the greatest displacements happen to be in the middle of the excavated height of the retaining wall, but Adonis does not coincide and predicts that the greatest displacements always occur in the upper part of the wall.
I would appreciate if you can analyze this problem and tell me if I am making a mistake in entering the data in Adonis.